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Survey Results on Tokaido Settings


There were many opinions regarding the settings on arena mode, especially preparations. This survey was taken to clarify everyone's thought about the settings.

Here are the results from the survey and Cream's discussion:

A: How many players would you like? (Ex. 2,3,4,5 players)

B: Please choose the settings you like from the following options:

Since many people had multiple answers (didn't have a particular choice), I took all of the answers into account. So the percentage doesn't add up but we can see that many players prefer "4 players" + "gastronomy".

Opinions regarding preparations (the current setting in arena):

・Kills the logic of the number of pieces at the start of the game because ultimately what is marked on the character becomes false

・Definitely overcompensating

・I don't like preparation in a way that the 1st player is too weak - there's not much benefit of going first.

・Preparations is kind of required though somewhat unbalanced, but it is also not totally fair without them, especially for the last player.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank all who participated in the survey and discussion.

Thanks for reading,


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